Program Listing for File GPUBuffer.h

Return to documentation for file (Source\Azura\RenderSystem\Inc\Generic\GPUBuffer.h)

#pragma once

#include "Types.h"
#include "Generic/GenericTypes.h"

namespace Azura {

struct BufferEntry {
  BufferEntry(U32 offset, U32 size, U32 maxSize, DescriptorType type);

  U32 m_offset;
  U32 m_size;
  U32 m_maxSize;
  DescriptorType m_type;

// A buffer that is on the GPU & holds mappings of the data it stores
struct GPUBuffer {

  GPUBuffer(U32 size);

  // Size of the buffer
  U32 m_byteSize;

// A buffer that is mapped between CPU & GPU. Also, it holds mappings of the data it stores
struct MappedGPUBuffer : public GPUBuffer {

  MappedGPUBuffer(U8* beginPtr, U32 maxEntries, U32 size, Memory::Allocator& allocator);

  bool SubAllocate(U32 size, U32 alignment);

  // Memory ptrs
  U8* p_dataCur;
  U8* p_dataBeg;
  U8* p_dataEnd;

  // Entry storage
  Containers::Vector<BufferEntry> m_entries;

} // namespace Azura